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Selectmen's Minutes December 28, 1999

Selectmen’s Meeting Minutes
December 28, 1999

Present:  Judy Murdoch, Cathy Kuchinski, Dan Webster, Stephanie McSweeney and Peter Jones

7:50 p.m. Chairman Webster called the meeting to order.

Through Mr. Webster, Ms. Kuchinski thanked everyone for their good wishes, cardsand flowers while she was recuperating from surgery.

Chief King was present to discuss his monthly report and liquor license violations.  He explained that on October 14, 1999 in cooperation with the Plymouth County Sheriff’s Dept. they conducted a sting operation.  Two local licensees sold liquor to minors, Village Mini Mart and Myette Country Store.  The Chief indicated that this was the first violation for both establishments.  All other licensees were in compliance.  Requested a hearing for both establishments be scheduled for January 11, 2000.  Discussed renewal of licenses.  Chief recommended renewing licenses and taking action after the hearing.  The usual course of action for a first offense is an written warning.

Plymouth County Hospital has been being patrolled by every shift.  The buildings have been posted with No Trespassing signs.  The Police Dept. has received complaints from the County that individuals have been inside the leased buildings.  The Chief stressed that no one has the right to be in these building without proper authorization.  The County has been instructed them contact the Police Dept. if they have further problems.  Mr. Webster pointed out that the locks are in the process of  being changed on all the buildings.  Mr. Webster thanked the Police Dept. and the Water Dept. for assistance with the buildings.  Chief King suggested getting a maintenance person on board to call in the event of broken windows etc.  Mr. Webster indicated he would speak to the Town Hall Custodian.  

Mr. Webster updated that Board on the Status of the removal of the UST.  The contractor has removed about half.  A potential problem was averted regarding the bulkhead on one of the buildings.  The tank was located beneath it and they thought the bulkhead might have to be removed.  However, he received word today the tank came out with no problem.  He advised the Board that the RFP for the reuse plan was in their packets.   Members reviewed the RFP.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Peter Jones to accept RFP as written. Voted 5 - 0.

Mr. Webster also pointed out that the term for the Plymouth County Hospital Advisory Committee expired on June 30, 1999.  He suggested that since an RFP will be going out and a consulting firm will be contracted shortly, the charge of the Advisory Committee has been complete.  The Consulting Firm will be working with the town Boards and the public on the reuse of the site.  

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Judy Murdoch to disband the Plymouth County Advisory Committee with letters of thanks to the members.  Voted 5 - 0.  

Chief King gave his monthly report on training for several officers.  Officer Douglas Smith completed 10 weeks of training at the Academy in Pembroke, D.A.R.E. officers activities. Hanson will host the first week of D.A.R.E. Camp this summer which is sponsored by the DA’s office.  Completion of the Student Police Academy and thanked Chairman Webster for his participation.  Discussed grants received in December for BLOCK grant, D.A.R.E. and Community Policing.  He met with the Seniors at the Senior Center in conjunction with E.B. Savings Bank to discuss Y2K.  All the police records are “saved” on disk or CD.  Advised that Board that Officer Richard Farrell will be retiring on February 1, 2000.  Officer Farrell joined the force on December 1, 1966 and is currently serving as Prosecutor.  The Chief outlined the figures for traffic control and court activity

Stinger’s Family Restaurant update from the Chief indicated that the Department had received a number of complaints over the summer and there have been patrols of the parking lot.  Some of the complaints have been received from the restaurant.  However, there had not been many complaints recently.  The Chief suggested the owner move people along at closing time.

Renewal of Liquor Licenses - Phil’s Restaurant had not returned their renewal.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Cathy Kuchinski not to renew Phil’s Restaurant liquor license.  Voted 5 - 0.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Judy Murdoch to renew liquor licenses for 14-58 Liquors, Cahill & Driscoll, Inc., Hanson A.A., American Legion, Hanson Plymouth Liquors, Hanson Tavern, House of Pizza, Keeoffi, Inc., Matilda’s, Inc., Myette County Store, Olde Hitching Post, Pina, Inc., Stingers, and Village Mini Mart.  Voted 5 - 0.

Live Entertainment License for Stingers was discussed.  Ms. Deborah Venderbeck was present and spoke on behalf of the neighbors.  She indicated that most of the neighbors are retirees or have young families and the have been subjected to loud rock band music five nights a week.  She cited early morning deliveries.  She indicated that after meeting with Mr. Hatch in May nothing changed until recently when a fence was erected and the front of the building was renovated.  Ms. Venderbeck suggested restricting the days and times of the bands to reasonable limitations, use of security and installing buffers.  Mr. Hatch pointed out that he has made changes to accommodate the neighbors.  He has changed the delivery times so that only a bread truck delivers to a different location at a later time for 5:00 a.m. - 6:00 a.m.  The waste containers have been moved with pick up at 7:00 a.m.  He sound proofed the new room and blocked off an entrance.  The entire building has been insulated.  The fence he erected was to cut down on the car lights.  He indicated that he has entertainment 5 nights a week - a soloist w/ amplifier on Wednesday and Sunday, Kareoke on Thursday, and live bands on Friday and Saturday.  Ms. Kuchinski asked if he had considered a paid detail.  He had not.  Mrs. Murdoch suggested asking the bands to turn down the volume.  She feels that if there is no room for compromise, then they run the risk of loosing their license.  Mr. Jones cited his concern with problems in the parking lot and suggested a paid detail.  Mrs. Hatch pointed out that there has not been any violence involved, just loud rowdy people.

Mr. Webster recognized Mr. Hatch for his attempts to rectify the problem and suggested a paid detail.  Would like to revisit the issue in a month.  Mrs. Murdoch preferred giving them enough time to resolve the problems and suggested 60 to 90 days.  However, the issues must be address as soon as possible.  Lila Coyle from the Board of Appeals indicated that the hours of operation were sited on the plan issued to Elena’s Restaurant and that they were quite different.  She felt the ZBA has authorization over the hours.  Mr. Webster indicated he would check into the matter.  

Mr. Webster felt that the license should be issued; however, if any additional complaints are received, then a hearing would be held.

MOTION by Stephanie McSweeney, second by Peter Jones to renew Live Entertainment License.  Voted 5 - 0.

Automatic Amusement Licenses renewal for Cahill & Driscoll, Inc., Hanson A.A., American Legion, Hanson Bowladrome, Hanson Tavern,  Matilda’s, Inc., and  Stingers.  

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Judy Murdoch to renew all amusement licenses as listed.         Voted 5 - 0.

Common Victualler’s License renewals for Berry n Cream, Cahill & Driscoll, Inc., Charter Marketing, Coffee Express, Dunkin Donuts(1) & (2), Expresso Pizza,  Hanson A.A., American Legion, Hanson Bowladrome, Hanson Tavern, House of Pizza, Karen Junes Enterprise, Keeoffi, Inc., Matilda’s, Inc., McDonalds Myette County Store, Olde Hitching Post, Pina, Inc., Shaws, Spiro’s II, Stingers, The Cafe Deli, The Golden Roll, and Village Mini Mart.  

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Cathy Kuchinski to renew all Common Victualler’s Licenses as listed.  Voted 5 - 0.

Class I II and III license renewals for Ken’s B.P., Auto Express, Signature Sales, Specialty Auto          1 Liberty St., Specialty Auto 200 Liberty St., Lyle Waite.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Stephanie McSweeney to renew Class I, II & III Licenses as listed.  Voted 5 - 0.

Fire Chief Huska was present at the Board’s invitation to discuss the Strong Chief’s law.  He indicated that as a Strong Chief he has the authority to hire and dismiss employees.  However, he must adhere to the regulations under the Town By-laws, Union Contract, Wage and Personnel requirements.  All employees need a hearing prior to being dismissed.  He his in favor of retaining the Strong Chief’s law.  He pointed out that there is a system in place to have a Strong Chief removed.  A Weak Chief can be removed at that pleasure of the Board.  The Chief favors progressive discipline and finds it to be good management tool.  Mrs. McSweeney pointed out that as a Weak Chief, the department head could be fired, but that staff people are covered by a contract.   When asked when he plans to retire, the Chief indicated that he would prefer to have the discussion in Executive Session.  

Dias Auction Gallery was discussed.  Mr. Webster informed that Board that Mr. Dias had made arrangements with the East Bridgewater Building Inspector to do the inspection.  Mr. Webster doesn’t feel that Mr. Dias should be hand picking his own inspector.  Discussion ensued.  Both Mr. Jones and Mrs. Murdoch feel that the inspector should be from a non-contiguous town.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Judy Murdoch to have an inspector from a non-contiguous town inspect the Auction Gallery.  Voted 5 - 0.  

Mr. Webster indicated that he would again check with the State to see if they can arrange for a Building Inspector.

MMA Annual Business Meeting proxy for Cathy Kuchinski to vote in Chairman Webster stead on behalf of the Board of Selectmen

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Stephenia McSweeney to authorize Cathy Kuchinski to vote on behalf of Chairman Webster.  Voted 5 - 0.

Reappointment of Noreen O’Toole to the Old Colony Planning Council (Joint Transportation Committee) term to expire on 12/31/00.

MOTION by Peter Jones, second by Stephen McSweeney to reappoint Noreen O’Toole to Old Colony Planning Council (Joint Transportation Committee).  Voted 5 - 0.

VHB Addendum II was briefly discussed.  All members have previously reviewed same.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Stephanie McSweeney to accept and sign Addendum II.  
Voted 5 - 0

Furnaces proposal from C&S Refrigeration were read.  The price to replace one unit would be $7,954.00, two units $14,192.00 and all six would be $36,481.00.  All units are high efficiency and better grade than the current units.  Curbing would have to be installed for the units and the freight is not included in the price.  Consensus was to have all six replaced.  Mr. Jones inquired into the need for bids.  Mr. Webster indicated that in emergency situations bids are not required but would consult Town Counsel.  Mr. Jones would prefer to get some figures from other contractors to insure we are getting a good price.  Arthur Brasill suggested being sure that the curbing is installed properly and that the roof is not damaged at the time of installed.

Jones River Watershed letter requesting support for their programs.  

MOTION bu Cathy Kuchinski, second by Peter Jones to send letter of Support to the Jones River Watershed.  Voted 5 - 0.

Evaluation tools was discussed.  Members urged to review the tool and consider the values for each number used on the tool.  Discussed having the Goals and Objectives accepted early in the process.  It is the intend of the Board that all Departments utilize the tool.

MOTION by Judy Murdoch, second by Peter Jones to adjourn.  Voted 5 - 0.